Programming languages, in order of preference:
Other programming languages include:
Other not-exactly-programming languages include:
I'm comfortable with both Linux and Windows. I use both
daily, as my laptop and servers are Linux-based, and my desktop
I have roughly equal amounts of experience configuring both, and
what I don't know I can supplement with learning via
searching up the problems.
More specifically, on Linux, I'm more comfortable with Arch-based distros (Manjaro, Arch, Artix), but the knowledge transfers over to other distros as well.
Main VCS I'm experienced with is git, with no experience in
other kinds. I've used both Github and Gitlab, and some
other minor ones, with a preference for Github.
My public github repositories are visible at I have many more private ones, which I don't wish to
Cherry-picked ones (all Rust):
The main IDEs I use are Visual Studio Code, and Visual
I've used JetBrains IDEs (evaluation license) in the past,
and do prefer Rider over Visual Studio, IntelliJ over
however the cost has kept me away from using them.
The only CI/CD service I'm partially experienced with is GitHub's. I am unfamiliar with code coverage services.
My interests and skills lie mostly in the backend territory,
which is where I'm most comfortable.
I want to learn frontend development, but I don't have the
focus and motivation to do so.
Lys is my primary online identity, as I tend to stay away from revealing real information about myself.